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兩夫妻 Scenes from a Marriage by Ingmar Bergman (assistant to director)

20-28 Mar 2021 at The Box, Freespace, Hong Kong

In their 20 years together, a seemingly ideal couple have gone through various changes in their relationship, from falling in love through betrayals and splitting up to getting back together. In such intimate proximity, many things have been revealed – their yearning for a shared life, the boredom of daily routine, conflicts behind passion, affection that cannot be expressed – and this, eventually, enables them to grasp the mystery of love that has accompanied them on their journey.

When it premiered in 1973, the original TV series created a sensation in Sweden. Film and theatre versions followed, tugging at the heartstrings of everyone throughout the world. Nearly 50 years on, in a time full of chaos and restlessness, Scenes from a Marriage still has the power to go straight to our hearts.

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